Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Lentil Letters

Here is BP is practicing her lower case letters. I was remembering all my secret teacher weapons for learning.
She had fun forming her letters in a tray of lentils. We were out of rice and I am afraid to use shaving cream inside. We will try shaving cream outside when it warms up a little bit.


Buby + Bleu said...

Great idea with the lentils. I don't like the smell of shaving cream and--you're right--it's so messy.

Buby has been working on his lowercase letters now that he's mastered the uppercase. We have books and flashcards that he loves. The ones that trip him up on occasion: b, p, d. He thinks it's funny that they are all the same letter turned around. And sometimes when he's spelling things out in books he calls "i" a 1. Ha!

Julie said...

How do you do this? Do you put a pan of beans on a tray and have her trace her fingers through it? Or take the beans and place them on the flashcards? I know with the shaving cream they write the letters in the cream right?

Do you know anything about left handers forming circles backwards? Adam has a heck of a time making a c with a pencil (in order to form his lower case d in his name. I notice he makes his circles clockwise and I wondered if it was because he was left handed and maybe his brain works that way? I have no idea.

Poley said...

Try shaving cream in the tub. Dylan LOVES this...I actually found a foam soap in a Thomas container. It's Dylan's fav thing to do when he's not too cool to take a bath instead of a shower.