Sunday, November 16, 2008

BP Teaches

When BP does not have school, she plays school! Here she is teaching Bitty, Kit, and Kirsten some coloring skills. Notice the mat. EVERYTHING must be done on a mat. BP insists upon it. It is a Montessori concept. It helps define their space and stay organized. My type A personality loves the mat concept, but I also see the importance of it for a three year old.


Buby + Bleu said...

That was something I loved about the Montessori schools we looked at, too. The mats are great for working. Maybe BP has the teaching gene. She is very nurturing with her babies.

Poley said...

I wonder if teaching runs in BP's blood???????? Very cute!

Lilypad Mom said...

It looks like she has a very attentive audience. How cute.