Friday, October 31, 2008

Mischief Night

We had a little non-destructive fun with toilet paper last night. A little joke on a friend of Daddy's with a very good sense of humor. A new traditon for our little family I believe?


We just call him Jack and BP wanted him to have a scary face.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

New Favorite Music

Besides the old standbys Barney, Taylor Swift, and Enchanted, The Barefoot Princess' new favorites artists are The Zac Brown Band and Kid Rock. She loves ZBB's new song 'Chicken Fried', introduced to her by her Daddy, and also Kid Rock's, 'All Summer Long' which she calls the "rock and roll song". I guess part of developing her own little personality means she has ner own taste in many things and music is one of them!

Our Walker

Here is BB showing off her new walking feet! She likes to wear a backpack like her big sister does.

Last Halloween

Last year The Barefoot Princess was a little brown cow. This year she wanted to be a butterfly. But not just any butterfly, she specifically wanted to be a Monarch butterfly. We have a day full of Halloween fun planned for tomorrow. Stay tuned for pics...


When I saw this I immediately thought of my friend Jenny. She is going to need one of these to keep baby Bleu warm this Fall and Winter. Bleu often hangs out in the front pack on their many family adventures. For more info check out The on-line store also has some chic baby carriers.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


The Barefoot Baby and The Barefoot Princess are really into pumpkins this year. BB of course wants to eat them. We have three little ones in the house that they play with everyday. Tomorrow night we will carve a big pumpkin. I cannot wait to see their little faces when we turn off the lights and put the candle in it.

A Visit with Oma

Last week we visited BP and BB's Great Oma in the nursing home. She is always happy to see her great granddaughters. They bring such a smile to her face, I made a promise to myself to visit more often. BB tried to borrow Oma's walker (this was before she started walking on her own). We brought a bag of little pumpkins with us. BP handed out the pumpkins and pumpkin paintings to many of the residents without any hesitation. She said, "Happy Halloween" and "Have a nice day" to each.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Green and Gold

These pictures are for my husband who is a fan of the old classic John Deere tractors. His favorite tractor is the John Deere "B" model pictured right above. I often see him perusing ebay in search for one of these at a bargain price.

Fall Fun...

Some pictures from a Saturday spent with family and friends.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Her Fanciness

I mentioned a couple times that The Barefoot Princess is a huge Fancy Nancy fan. Here she is in her Fancy Nancy ensemble from Uncle Matt and Aunt Nicole. Her favorite part...the shoes. To say she LOVES, LOVES, LOVES them would be an understatement! She is a shoe freak!

First Steps

This week The Barefoot Baby let go. After 'cruising' for a couple of months she took her first steps. She did it on Monday when we were at Daddy's office so he was able to see. Each day she bravely takes a few steps and then falls gracefully to the floor. She prefers carpet for walking and 95% of our house is hard wood. She is cautious and still prefers her old stand-by 'scooting' method because it is much faster. Her caution is so different to us. The Barefoot Princess took her first steps and never crawled again. Anyway, BB is definitely on the move and we have to watch her every second to make sure she is safe.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

My Two Cents...

After watching the debate last night I cannot hold back any longer. I promise this will be my one and only politically related blog post. For what is it worth here is my two cents...

I am all for an OBAMA / PALIN administration. Ok, I said it and got it out there. My mom is celebrating and my father-in-law is cringing right now. I just wish we could vote for President and Vice President on two different tickets. I think Obama and Palin would be a great team. Sort of the opposites attract kind of team. That would be true checks and balances in my mind. I think Sarah Palin would keep him in line, make sure his ego does not get too big, and hold him to his word because she is a "maverick ya, know?" And Obama would add some eloquence to her rougher side. Then John and Joe could blissfully enter retirement, where judging from McCain's performance last night he may be better off. Plus John McCain could enjoy his eight or is it nine homes he has? I have always been a major Elephant lover, so this is a huge change for me. Just a thought from my semi-researched mommy mind. Not realistic, I know, but hey desperate times call for desperate measures, right? This is going to be a tough decision for many. Good Luck!!!

Oh, and one more addition to my dream team...Michael Bloomberg. Love the guy and I think his financial expertise, and overall attitude toward politics and getting things done would benefit our world today.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fire Tower Hike

Another hike for us yesterday. More beautiful views. More jaw dropping foliage. Lots of rocks to climb. And at the top of the mountain, a fire tower to climb too. I LOVE the area we live in! So many great hiking trails. All at different levels. This one was 1 mile up and I have to say quite strenuous at times. I had to stop and sit once because I was a ittle light-headed, probably should have had a bigger breakfast and drank more H2O. Once again, BP was a trooper and tackled the mountain with very little complaint. She was so happy to be with her big cousins, Brendan and James, Aunt Cynthia, Aunt Debbie, Uncle Charlie, and Mama. BB took in the views, crawled around at the top, and fell asleep halfway down the trail. Where will our hike tomorrow take us? Stay tuned...

Apple Picking

We, along with every other person in the Northeast, went apple picking this weekend. To say it was crowded and chaotic would be an understatement. We tried to make the best of it and it wound up being a very quick trip.
BP and BB's Uncle Matt and Aunt Nicole came for some apples and to get their baby fix with the little ones. They showed up with a big bag of Fancy Nancy apparel for BP's birthday. She was in heaven and wore the tutu to the Apple Farm as you can see above. A lot of the lower apples had been picked so Uncle Matt lifted BP to pick some apples. BB was content to sit on the grass and shave little apple pieces off with her new teeth. We escaped apple chaos and had a nice calm lunch back in our town.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Home of the Week #3

I snapped some pictures of this adorable house in Cape Cod while we stopped for a roadside potty break. I love the 'grey ladies' of New England. This little cottage looked so cute and cozy, I could not resist.

BP's Well Visit

Monday was The Barefoot Princess' 3 year well visit. She is a healthy 32 lbs and almost 38 inches. The doctor said she is average height and weight and is on track for being 5'5" as an adult. I laughed when he said this because if BP is 5'5" she is going to be the littlest in both of our families. He then asked my height (5'9") and her daddy's (6'4") and added that she may have a big growth spurt and the chart is not always accurate.
Before leaving both BP and BB got their flu shots. BB did not shed a tear. I don't think she even felt it through her thigh chub. And poor BP was hysterical.

Congratulations Brian & Jessica!!!

Our friends Jessica and Brian were married this past weekend. We had a wonderful time celebrating with them and wish them lots of love and luck. Here is their cake. Check out the topper. It is hilarious!

Pumpkin Party

Here are a few pictures from The Pumpkin Party. Our float was called The Very Hungry Caterpillar and BB was the caterpillar and BP the butterfly. The Pumpkin Party is a fundraiser for the library in my husband's hometown. Every year the theme is different. This year's theme was "Catch the Reading Bug at Your Local Library." This event is so much fun for children. It is something BP and BB will look forward to for many years I am sure.