Thursday, August 14, 2008

9 Months

The Barefoot Baby's 9 month birthday came and went and I did not have a chance to get this post up. At 9 months she is 25 lbs and brings us all so much joy! She wakes up happy and remains happy all day. She is testing the waters of walking and not sure if it something she likes or not. She really digs pulling herself up on everything and cruising along the edge. She is sporting a ridiculously dark brown summer tan that is definitely from her Daddy's side of the family and makes us cringe when the doctor or anyone else comments on it. I swear she has worn WaterBabies SPF 50 all summer. Her hair gets lighter every day and it is actually growing. (After BP we are not used to babies with hair.) BP likes to wet BB's hair, comb it straight up and call her Spike. BB has two bottom teeth, but is desperately trying to coax the top two teeth through with anything she can get her hands on. I caught her chewing on our kitchen cabinet handles today! She picks up the play telephones, puts them to her ear and says, "Hi!" I am not a big phone person so I think she learned this from her sister. Oh, and how could I forget the big drooly kisses she gives us and her babies when we ask her for them. BB is a little piece of heaven! I look at her, hold her, play with her, and I want ten more just like her!


Buby + Bleu said...

Oh, I love this. I can't believe she's 9 months already. It's so much fun to see her sitting up now and giggling. She's always happy and smiling with those bright blue eyes. Her skin tone is gorgeous.. I wish I had it. Who knows what Nola's will be, but Buby is as stark white as they come. Poor kid. Good luck with the teething.

Lilypad Mom said...

Happy 9 months BB! I can't believe she's so big already.