Monday, October 22, 2007

A Visit with Great Oma and Great Opa

The Barefoot Princess is very fortunate to have four Great Grandparents. This past weekend we visted her Great Oma and Great Opa in the nursing home for Opa's 97th birthday. Yes, 97th!!!! Isn't that amazing? 97 and he is still sharp as a tack, a little frustrated because he cannot move like he used to, but still completely with it in every other way. BP brought all of her energy to the nursing home where they were so happy to see someone so young and full of life. She enjoyed an ice cream sundae with Oma and gave her lots of kisses. It was a good experience for The Barefoot Princess and definitely someting we need to do with her more often!


Buby + Bleu said...

BP is a very lucky girl. Buby has one great grandparent, but he doesn't know him at all. I wish that my Grandma V. or Tom's grandmothers could've been around to meet our little fella. They would've loved him. BP can learn so much from her great grandparents.

allison said...

Four great-grandparents. What a blessing. It's so good for you to give BP time with them now.

Lilypad Mom said...

What a wonderful experience for all of you. I agree that BP is very lucky to have 4 great-grandparents. L is very close with 1 great-grandmother, but only met the other 2 once when she was 7 months old.