Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Why So Blue???

The Barefoot Princess is ecstatic about the new color of her room. She thinks Daddy is the ultimate now, as if he wasn't her hero before, because he painted her room "blue!!!", her favorite color. She keeps walking into her room and saying "Wow" "Daddy" "Blue" at least five times a day! The color of the room reminds me of my favorite flower, the blue hydrangea, it is beautiful!!! So a special thanks goes to BP's Daddy for this color transformation and his late nights of painting and to Benjamin Moore for this beautiful shade of blue.


Buby + Bleu said...

It's an AWESOME shade of blue! Such a big girl room. I love the bunny theme she's got going.

allison said...

Love the blue. BPs Daddy did a very good job.

allison said...

I don't think I ever commented on the Nantucket Basket you posted about...love it! Oh, how I love those baskets! My mom has a serving basket. So pretty. What a very special heirloom for your BP!

Lilypad Mom said...

It's beautiful, such a soft, relaxing shade of blue.