Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Little World's Fair

The Barefoot Princess and her big cousin James, who was nice enough to ride the rides with her.
The Barefoot Princess and her Daddy. Can you see the excitement on her face as she looks at the baby calves??
This little guy actually reminded us of our dog Flaps.
These horses were pulling 6,000 lbs. Amazing!!!
We attended another fair this past weekend. Our third one for the summer. Are you beginning to see a trend?? The Barefoot Princess cannot get enough of the animals and tractors so it is a perfect event for her. BP's Daddy loves the big workhorses so he was able to watch the pulling competition. And who doesn't love fair food?? This particular fair was special becasue it was in BP's Daddy's hometown and he grew up attending the fair. I think he enjoyed sharing "The Little World's Fair" with The Barefoot Princess.


Buby + Bleu said...

Those poor horses! That is amazing. I'm so glad you guys like the fairs, festivals, and Jeep rides as much as we do!! BP looks adorable in her pink terry hat on the big-girl ride.

love.boxes said...

The wonder of little ones is so fun to participate in... and that is the cutest little piggy I've ever seen. :)